Clara was so full of characters. I am so lucky that I became a friend of hers through Fiona. Clara was always so generous and kind to me whenever I visited London. She remained so trendy and so particular with her appearance all her life. It was very inspiring to us younger ladies.
8th June 2023
Aunty Clara was a very special lady. Her love for her children so evident. Always so elegant and well dressed. I'll remember her smile and going shopping with her in my young years and having to wear twin sweaters with her son, Anthony. May you rest now aunty Clara. God keep to in his embrace
Lorraine hahn
6th June 2023
給我致愛的 Auntie Clara:
您是我認識中最有魅力,最親切可人,最冇代溝的長輩…您是時代女性嘅表表姐…美麗動人 令人眼前一亮印象深刻…好榮幸成為您的好朋友…懷念我們一起Shopping,一起High tea,一起去旅行大家好享受的日子💕…縱然您的離世實在令人冇法接受 悲痛欲絕…相信現在的您已在主的懷抱得到永生與安寧💕捨不得您,永遠懷念您💕💕💕
5th June 2023